Thursday 23 September 2010


Zoetrope was invented by a man called William Horner, the Zoetrope didn't become popular until the 1860's. The zoetrope was invented in 1834 it was quite exciting because it was one of the first devices to create moving images.

A zoetrope is like a mini cinema. It is like a drum with slits going all the way round, you can insert a paper strip with animated drawings on. when the device is spun and the viewer looks through the slits an illusion of movent is created.  The faster you spin the drum the smoother the movement of the images will look.
The strengths of using a zoetrope is that you can create any illusion being that you can turn an umbrella into  a mushroom, also it is a simple to make.
I think that a zoetrope weaknesses are just to make the images run smoother you have to spin the drum fast enough and it is not convenient for a whole crowd to watch because it is so small and you have to look through tiny slits just to see movement and if you look over the top of the drum you wouldn't be able to see any movement apart from blurs.

Thursday 16 September 2010