Sunday 19 June 2011


Animation Evaluation
When making my animation the things that I am pleased about is working in a team and the content of my animation, I am pleased about the outcome of the video because I thought it was going to 
be impossible to make but because I worked in my team of me and Amir it worked out.

When filming my animation I thought that it was going to be long to film and then edit because we was familiar with stop motion but we had good experiences with using it and bad experiences but this one was new for us because we decided to use clay and object animation together. But when we started to edit it, it started to come together visually because we played music throughout and putting music in it made the story come to life more.

The aspect I’m most pleased about is receiving my feedback and also making my animation reflect E4 idents. I think that receiving my feedback made me realise all that hard work paid off. I think that my ident reflected E4 because my ident was fun and young which is what E4 is all about.
The positive feedback that I got was that my ident was fun and crazy. They liked how I used a mannequin to dance and the dance moves it did especially when the mannequin did the moon walk, also they liked when the mannequin vomited and the E4 sign came up. The positive feedback made feel good because people seemed to like it.

The part of the production that I was not happy about was the fact that in the final you could see that our background was really blue in some of the scenes and I thought that the music didn’t blend with each other well it felt like it was skipping tracks.

I think to make our ident better we could have stuck down our blue screen instead of holding because then you may not have seen the blue in the final I also think that we could have blended the music better by editing it in a music editing software.

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