Thursday 25 November 2010

cut out animation

Cut out animation is animated by using flat characters ,props, surfaces from different materials like paper, card, stiff fabric and photographs.
Animators that have used these techniques are Terry Gilliam and Lotte reiniger, there style is simmilar in a way that they both have a element of using cartoon. Terry Gillam cut out animation are more realistic than Lotte Reiniger beacuse he has cut out photographs, which show human and showing a human gives it facial expressions and looks more realistic.

The advantages is that it is easy to make being the process is not long and time consuming.
The disadvantages is that you have make sure your camera and lighting positioning are correct and stay in the same positions. Also you have to be patient with the firmness and rapidness of the characters movement by having to pause a lot. With cut out animation doing a close up of a characters face is not ideal when having dialogue because it is hard to get the characters to lip sync.

 Out of drawn animation and cut out animation i don't know which one i would choose because they both have there advantages which are cut out is less time consuming which for solo animators is good.