Thursday 25 November 2010

Object animation

object animation is when you use objects from as big as a table or even bigger to as little as a rubber to make an animation. it is a form of stop motion animation, that envolves the animated movment of any non-drawn objects. Object animation is usually combined with other types of animation like model or puppet animation to create a more realistic effect.

Pes is an object animator he does different themes and uses a range of object from cup cakes to chairs. i find object animation fun because you can make a object become anything you want from chairs being humans to candles being bullets.

The advantages of object animation is that you can make an object do most things and that the lighting, camera movement and spatial relationship are not virtual. The disadvantages is that the bigger the object the harder it is to move it around  and make it do any kind of movement, also i think it may be harder to tell a story with objects because it doesn't have any facial expressions.

this is an object animation we done

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