Thursday 10 March 2011

clay animation

Clay animation is another stop motion technique. To make a Clay animation you need clay/plasticine, you then sculpt it in to your preferred shape and like other stop motion animation you arrange your object/character on the set (background) and when the film frame is exposed you slightly move the object/character by hand to create the effect of the it moving by it's self and you repeatedly keep moving the object/character by hand until you have your desired amount of frames. if you wanted to maintain the illusion of continuity you would have to pay attention to the consistent lighting and object movement.

There have been programmes even films made from Clay animation which are "Wallace and Gromit", "Flushed away" and "Celebrity death match" to name some they have all been made from clay but the difference is they are all different genres which I can say you can make clay animation diverse.

The advantages of using clay is that it makes a 3D effect, easy to expand, you can morph the clays together to create a marble effect.
The disadvantages of using clay is that its hard to show finer detailing, It is not very strong material to use the structure of it is weak. It is also time consuming I thought that clay animation  was fun to use when creating different shapes but keeping the shapes to stay was tricky and I would rather use cut out animation because it is not time consuming and it is easier to keep object/characters shape.


  1. Claymation is cool, beacuse you have a lot of advantages of making it and Aardman Animations mostly use Clay animation such as Wallace and Gromit.

  2. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
